The reality for a staff songwriter is that the majority of songs you write will never see the light of day. Unless you're a famous worship leader and your publisher thinks everything you write is gold. But I digress... Anywhoooooo, I have hundreds of songs floating in a black hole somewhere. It's fine. Many of those songs probably shouldn't be seen or heard anyway. However, I'm quite fond of some of those little diddies and I hate the thought of them never being unleashed.
But occasionally, someone reaches into the black hole and gives one of them a home. In the past week I've heard from two artists who are cutting a couple of those songs. That's always thrilling, but in this case, I'm happy for multiple reasons. First, I like these songs. Second, I like the people I wrote them with and remember both writing sessions well. Third, and this is the evil-and-bitter-songwriter in me talking, it always feels like a little redemption when one of those songs gets cut. Like I can finally thumb my nose at someone and say "See. I knew it was a good song." I told you I'm evil and bitter. God's working on me. The truth is, I believe that if and when a song is a good fit for someone, it will find a home. I may not like the process. I don't always like the persistence it takes to do what I do. And I certainly don't like all this stinkin' patience I've had to learn. But the journey does make the sweet moments even sweeter. So, I am reminded once again of three important things I've learned on my writing journey: 1) Writing the song really is the most rewarding part. Everything else is gravy. 2) The only thing I can control is writing a great song. Everything else is pretty much out of my hands. 3) Celebrate everything. The writing, the co-writers, the potential, the demo, the cut, the single...whatever it is, be grateful and happy every step of the way.
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